Monday, May 10, 2010

Reason: Another Science Fail

And they wonder why, given the horrible politicization of science in all kinds of areas, why we're not all that eager to jump on the IPCC bandwagon. Think AGW is probably true? Yep. Think there's a bunch of things we should be doing anyway that would mitigate AGW? Yep. Trust the IPCC, Science (the magazine), the AGW/IPCC apologists all and their photoshopped polar-bears-of-horror and whatever their attendant hidden agenda(s) are? Not. A. Chance.

When the American Cancer Society Calls You Out ...: "

President's Panel lies for justice?...It's
pretty good evidence that you're a scaremongering regulatory shill.
As I noted
, the President's Cancer Panel released a alarmist
report asserting that the burden of cancers caused by environmental
exposures to carcinogens was 'grossly underestimated.' By
environmental, the panel focused chiefly on exposures to man-made
chemicals. As I also noted, the new claims being made by the report
seemed grossly overestimated based on the science. In response to
the new report, the American Cancer Society has issued a
press release that is highly critical
of the panel's report.
The release states:

Unfortunately, the perspective of the report is unbalanced by
its implication that pollution is the major cause of cancer, and by
its dismissal of cancer prevention efforts aimed at the major known
causes of cancer (tobacco, obesity, alcohol, infections, hormones,
sunlight) as “focussed narrowly.”

The report is most provocative when it restates hypotheses as if
they were established facts. For example, its conclusion that
“the true burden of environmentally (i.e. pollution) induced cancer
has been grossly underestimated” does not represent scientific
consensus. Rather, it reflects one side of a scientific
debate that has continued for almost 30 years.

In other words, the President's Cancer Panel report is an
advocacy document masquerading as science. For more scientifically
based information on the burden of cancer caused by environmental
exposures, please take a look at the article, 'American
Cancer Society Perspectives on Enviromental Factors and
,' published in the Cancer Journal for
last October.


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