Sunday, August 23, 2009

Calorie Counting

For those of us that have spent our lives fighting the "battle of the bulge," I find this fascinating. I'm not entirely sure what it means, but...hmmmm.

H/t -- The Daily Dish

Calorie Counting: "

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Early Risers Are Mutants -- Willyard 2009 (813): 2 -- ScienceNOW

Okay, I'll buy this, but it leaves me with one question: What about those of us that have learned to be early risers? I was pretty much a standard-issue night owl until I joined the Navy. After 20 years of that, I find it's near impossible to sleep much past 0700 or so. And that feels late.

Early Risers Are Mutants -- Willyard 2009 (813): 2 -- ScienceNOW

H/t -- The Daily Dish

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

BullCrap & Trade...

And so it begins...color me unsurprised.

H/t to WUWT

UK Arrests in Carbon Credit Trading Scam – organized crime said to be involved: "

From the UK Telegraph:

Seven arrests in suspected £38m carbon credit fraud

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Watch this post for updates. I have more thoughts on the subject that I don't have time to get into right now, but I want to get this post up.

So now we've added Burt Rutan, of all people, to the (incomplete) honor roll that currently includes the likes of Freeman Dyson, Michael Crichton and Harrison Schmidt. As we all know of course, any AGW/Climate Change skeptic is the moral equivalent of a (pick one, or mix & match) flat earther, "creation scientist," or--if they really want to tar with a wide and damning brush--a holocaust denier.

Click through and read Burt's PowerPoint presentation (link available on WUWT post). If when you're through you don't have at least a few doubts, you either aren't paying attention, or you're so completely in the tank that you long ago abandoned any semblance of objective thought on the subject.

Also, if you get a chance, check out the link describing Anthony Watts' (Prop. WUWT) green chops, as well. Impressive. And far greener than say, Al Gore, for example.

IPCC, Al, et al: You've got some 'splainin to do...

Burt Rutan: engineer, aviation/space pioneer, and now, active climate skeptic « Watts Up With That?

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Global Warming ate my data, Ctd.

Wider dissemination and more damaging allegations. The truth edges closer to the mainstream, thanks to Slashdot...

Slashdot Submission | Researchers lost historical global clima

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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Global Warming ate my data • The Register

I've been watching this particular fiasco evolve on the blog run by Steve McIntyre. His primary claim to fame is a math and statistical background that he's applying to the statistics and formulae behind AGW "conventional wisdom." He's been attempting to get raw data that by any scientific standards he should be able to--in order to confirm or debunk the claims made based on said data. The appearance of this story in The Register--while not exactly the NYT--indicates a wider awareness of CRU's shenannigans.

This is exactly the kind of nonsense that leads me--and similar AGW agnostics--to question "conventional wisdom." What, exactly, are they hiding? And why?

Global Warming ate my data • The Register

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Tobacco & Nicotine Hypocrisy

The Reason Hit & Run blog once again knocks it out of the park. I find this particular sentence from the summation--telling:

"By the professed standards of public health, which seeks to minimize morbidity and mortality, this is a no-brainer. As with the opposition to electronic cigarettes, something else is going on here: a moralistic crusade to conquer sin disguised as a scientific quest to conquer disease."

Nicely done, Mr. Sullum, nicely done.

Hit & Run > What If All Smokers Used Smokeless Tobacco Instead? - Reason Magazine

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

E T P - Experience The Planets

Stunning digital artwork of our nearest neighbors. If, like me, you grew up drooling over Chesley Bonestell covers, watching the (up to now) golden age of space exploration, or simply love neat stuff behind your icons, give this a look.

H/T -- (Dr.) Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy

E T P - Experience The Planets

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“Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I’m flying” « Watts Up With That?

And they wonder why some of us are, well, skeptical.

"I can feel it when I'm flying..."


I'll dig deeper into my feelings about AGW (anthropogenic global warming, if you haven't been following the proceedings) at some other time. In a nutshell, I'd describe myself as agnostic. Lots of reasons to believe "conventional wisdom," lots of reasons to be skeptical. Topping the latter has to be the quality of the discourse, particularly those whose first words are "the science is settled!"

Rule #1. If you want me to believe you, A. Don't insult my intelligence, B. Don't lie to me, and C. Don't tell me being skeptical is good on some occasions, and unacceptable at others.

H/t -- Anthony Watts, at WUWT, of course. You'll be seeing his name frequently, I expect.

“Global warming creates volatility. I feel it when I’m flying” « Watts Up With That?

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Monday, August 10, 2009

Lawsuits are the latest roadblock for California budget - Los Angeles Times

This by the way, is why California is well on its way to becoming a bankrupt third-world economy. Just stunning. It's no wonder Arnie has never been able to get any traction in his attempts to fix this mess. The special interests in Sacramento make D.C. look like a model of governmental integrity and efficiency by comparison.

H/T to my compadres as Reason (multiple suspects).

Lawsuits are the latest roadblock for California budget - Los Angeles Times

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You Call That Art? - John Stossel's Take

You Call That Art? - John Stossel's Take

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Interesting object lesson in the subjectivity of art... But mostly the post is about the picture. Stossel, btw, is one of the few working journo's not completely lost in the echo chamber. It's always interesting to see the level of vitriol that creates.