Monday, August 17, 2009

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics

Watch this post for updates. I have more thoughts on the subject that I don't have time to get into right now, but I want to get this post up.

So now we've added Burt Rutan, of all people, to the (incomplete) honor roll that currently includes the likes of Freeman Dyson, Michael Crichton and Harrison Schmidt. As we all know of course, any AGW/Climate Change skeptic is the moral equivalent of a (pick one, or mix & match) flat earther, "creation scientist," or--if they really want to tar with a wide and damning brush--a holocaust denier.

Click through and read Burt's PowerPoint presentation (link available on WUWT post). If when you're through you don't have at least a few doubts, you either aren't paying attention, or you're so completely in the tank that you long ago abandoned any semblance of objective thought on the subject.

Also, if you get a chance, check out the link describing Anthony Watts' (Prop. WUWT) green chops, as well. Impressive. And far greener than say, Al Gore, for example.

IPCC, Al, et al: You've got some 'splainin to do...

Burt Rutan: engineer, aviation/space pioneer, and now, active climate skeptic « Watts Up With That?

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